When we think of things you keep in a safe, images of ornate jewels or giant wads of cash come to mind. If you think you don’t need a safe because you don’t have expensive jewelry or lots of cash, you should remember that you do have other valuable items.
Tag: antique master locks
Where Should You Install Your Safe?
While comparing the best reliable safes, you must consider the best place for one in your home. Here are three factors to consider regarding safe placement.
Completing an Antique Safe Restoration
Here’s a look at the second half of the antique safe restoration process, from reassembling the safe to preserving our work.
The Basics of Antique Safe Restoration
If you have an antique safe in need of restoration, our team can help you return it to its former glory.
Do You Own Antique Master Locks? Here’s How to Tell.
If you live in an old home or collect antiques, you have come across some old locks. These locks may be nothing more than a curiosity to some people, but certain locks, particularly antique Master locks, can actually be very valuable.
Antique Lock Repair: How Do Skeleton Keys Work?
Skeleton keys not only look cool, but are a neat piece of technology!
A Brief History of Antique Master Locks
You’ve heard of them, you know how they’ve advanced. But, how much do you really know about the history of antique master locks? Here’s a look.
Do You Need Antique Lock Repair?
When it comes to antique lock repair, turning to a specialist is a must. By doing so, you can be confident that the job is done correctly. Trying to fix it yourself or handing the job over to someone unqualified often leads to further damage. Or, in some instances, the lock is rendered unusable. To […]
Antique Master Locks are One Of Our Favorites!
Old locks? No problem here at Hayden Safe & Lock!
Is Antique Lock Repair Worth the Effort?
There’s something to be said about antique lock repair. Often, these types of locks have solid foundations and, yes, are worth the time and effort!