Skeleton keys not only look cool, but are a neat piece of technology!
Tag: hayden lock
A Brief History of Antique Master Locks
You’ve heard of them, you know how they’ve advanced. But, how much do you really know about the history of antique master locks? Here’s a look.
3 Most Common Types Of Locks And Their Use
Ever wonder which lock was best for your requirements? Here is a brief look at some of the most common locking systems and where they excel.
5 Security Tips To Keep Your Retail Shop Safe
Your business is your everthing, and we’re here to help you protect it.
3 Tips For Finding A Locksmith in Ipswich MA
Finding a locksmith you can trust is a big deal! With these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to finding a dedicated, trustworthy company you can rely upon.
Skeleton Keys 101 From Your Favorite North Shore Locksmiths
As premier North Shore locksmiths, the team at Hayden is often asked about skeleton keys. Whether you purchased an old home with missing keys or stumbled upon an antique piece of furniture at the market, skeleton keys come in handy. Technically speaking, a skeleton key is a type of master key that open numerous locks. […]
How to Solve a Lost Combination
At some point, you’ve probably stumbled upon a locked combination lock. Standing there dumbfounded, you try to think of where, or who may have the combination. If you’re still drawing a blank, it may be time to look at your other options. The first and most reliable option is to call your local locksmith in […]
When Should You Call a Professional Locksmith?
Often, as homeowners, we take on tasks in hopes of saving the budget. However, when it comes to the security of your home, there is no price tag. With the help of your local Danvers, MA locksmith, Hayden Safe and Lock, you can have peace of mind that your home is at its optimal security […]
A Brief History of Antique Master Locks
Keeping our home and belongings safe has been a concern since the beginning of time. From cavemen protecting their food to financial institutions protecting thousands of dollars, the need for protection will always be here. However, the history behind the lock is quite impressive. From antique master locks to biometric scanning, the advancements over time […]