Reliable Gun Safes: 3 Things You Should Know Before Buying One

According to the NRA,  there are several factors one should consider when researching reliable safes. First is the reason you are even considering a safe. Chances are, that reason is for safety. If there are children in your house, having a reliable safe is a must. However, children are not the only reason to keep your firearms behind locked doors.

When it comes to selecting the best safe for you needs, here are a few items to consider.


Many gun safes attach to the floor

Unless you are purchasing a safe that requires several people to get it in the house, a thief can take it out. Safes that are easily picked and moved are the number one target during a home burglary.  However, it is not always in the budget or in the given space to purchase a 500+ pound gun safe or one that offers fancy options. So, if you are opting for a smaller model, be sure to bolt your safe into the floor or the wall for the utmost security.


Is the safe insulated?

While it may seem odd at first that a safe should be insulated, this added layer is a must. An insulated design generally offers the highest levels of durability. Whether someone attacks your safe with hammers or an ax, or the safe is involved in a house fire, an insulated safe will remain mostly unharmed. The goal is to protect the outside from what is in, so every safety feature available should be a strong consideration.

Be sure to compare the thickness and type of insulation offered as well as any gaps and how the lining is attached to the walls. As a rule of thumb, the heavier the safe, the better insulated your firearms will be from the outside.


Which type of lock is best for your needs?

Gun safes offer several options for the locking mechanism. Whether combination, electronic, or biometric, choosing the “best” lock becomes preference. Combination locks are one of the toughest to crack and require the least amount of maintenance. However, a combo lock can also be temperamental, which may prove disheartening in an emergency situation.

An electronic lock runs off batteries that require frequent changing. While they’re one of the simplest to access, forgetting the combination will have you calling in your local locksmith for help. Similarly operating, a biometric lock works the same but offers a more personalized entry. As an advancing technology, it’s important to note that biometric locks are one of the most finicky when it comes to recognition. A dirty finger could offset the process and cause your lock to remain closed.


When it comes to researching reliable safes that fit your firearm requirements and budget, the process can be overwhelming. However, our team at Hayden Safe & Lock is here to help! With centuries of experience, you can have confidence that your best interests are first, and the advice you receive is solid.

For more information on the best gun safes for your home or business, contact Hayden Safe today at (978) 744-0988.


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