More Rental Property Tips from Your North Shore Locksmith

Summer is prime vacation rental season, and if you own rental property on the North Shore, you understand the security concerns that come with it. In our last blog post, we gave you some tips from a North Shore locksmith for keeping your property secure while you let renters enjoy your vacation home. We started with the security basics, but there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your property safe while guests are renting.


Keep your rental property safe with these tips from a North Shore locksmith.


Use Reputable Booking Sites

These days, nearly all rental bookings are made online. When you list your property online, only use reputable booking websites that have methods for vetting guests and ensuring you receive payments both for renting your property and for any fees. If you choose to rent your property privately, you should only do so if you know the renter personally and you have all the necessary liability insurance policies.


Communicate Clearly with Your Guests

To a certain extent, you have to rely on your renters to maintain the security of your property during their stay. Most people who rent your property will be respectful of your rules and expectations as long as they know what they are. Be sure to communicate clearly with your renters and post your rules in multiple easy-to-find places. Your list will be on the rental website, but you should also print it out and put it on the fridge or in another visible place.


Provide a List of Emergency Contacts

You never know what might happen while renters are staying in your home, so you want to ensure they know what to do if an emergency arises. Emergency services are, of course, the same number everywhere, but what if there’s a plumbing or electrical problem? Provide a list of numbers your guests can call if they need help with something in the house. This list should include your number or that of your property manager, as well as local technicians such as your plumber, electrician, and security company.


Keep Any Property Safe with a North Shore Locksmith

Our team at Hayden Safe & Lock can help you secure your residential, commercial, or rental property. Whether you need to change the locks or upgrade your security system, we’re the North Shore locksmith you need.


Contact us at 978-744-0988 to address all your security needs.

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