What Does A Locksmith Do?
When you first think of a locksmith, you likely picture one thing: the guy you called in the middle of the night when you lost your key. But picking locks is a tiny part of a locksmith’s job. Locksmiths in Salem, MA specialize in much more than lock picking, and professionals at Hayden Safe & Lock work day and night to keep you safe.
We Change Locks
The first time you encounter a locksmith will likely be when you move into a new home. Before you move in a single piece of furniture, it’s wise to change your locks. It’s your home now, and you don’t want to give the old owner’s access to your home. Calling a locksmith in Salem, MA can help provide you with peace of mind because you’ll know exactly who can come in and out of your home. Locksmiths can fit your doors and entries with the correct lock for the job, and make sure they fit correctly. Using DIY locks from hardware stores can leave you susceptible to break-ins if not correctly installed.
We Cut Keys
In addition to installing locks, locksmiths can cut keys to fit any lock you already have. This is a painstaking process that takes precision and focus. Keys are designed to fit a specific lock, and you don’t want your keys to be cut incorrectly and not work! Relying on a professional ensures that your safety is not compromised, and your keys are reliable and will open the lock it’s meant for every time.
We Are Safe Experts
In addition to designing and repairing keys and locks on windows and doors, locksmiths like the ones here at Hayden Safe & Lock are also experts when it comes to safes. From installation to repairs, we want you to feel comfortable with your valuable possessions behind the doors of our safes.
Of course, we also provide 24/7 emergency services. No matter how careful and responsible you are, at some point, you’re likely going to be locked out. Locksmiths in Salem, MA at Hayden Safe & Lock will work around the clock to get you back on schedule. Visit our store on Webb St in Salem, MA for all your key and safe needs!