Do You Need A Safe?

When you hear the word “safe,” most people think of big, high-security rooms or vaults that hold millions of dollars worth of jewelry. In reality, most reliable safes are small enough to hide on a shelf or under a bed and only hold a few precious items.

The dictionary definition of safe is merely a lockable box designed to keep valuables safe and secure. In the world of security, the word has become synonymous with being a lockable box typically made of metal that is both fireproof and burglar proof.


Do You Have Valuables?

If you’re thinking “I don’t have jewels that I need to keep safe” you might still need a reliable safe. Safes can also be used to store papers and other items that are important to the owner. Be it pictures or important documents, using a safe could preserve these mementos in the event of a disaster.


Do You Have Weapons?

Another significant use is gun safes. In the state of Massachusetts, “it shall be unlawful to store or keep any firearm… in any place unless such weapon is secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device.” A gun safe ensures you are adhering to these laws, and you can feel safe that you are protected.


Different Shapes, Sizes, & Locks

At Hayden Safe & Lock, we have reliable safes for all your needs. We have various sizes depending on what you’re looking to contain, as well as different locking mechanisms. Traditional combination locks come backed with centuries of trusted history. Digital keypad locks bring the sense of peace that comes with current technology. You need to decide what kind of safe is best for you.

Our 100+ years of experience means that you can be confident that our products will keep you safe and secure. Please visit us on Webb Street in Salem, MA!

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